Friday, July 27, 2012

2D-Design (Spring 2011)

This course was...interesting. It felt a bit elementary after taking Intro to Drawing in the fall. We did color wheels and paper designs and collages. On the plus side, I met an amazing professor who I just got back from Ireland with.

"S" - black and white designs. 

Complementary color self-portrait done in acrylic using a
value scale. I know I don't look happy.
But honestly I'm never happy doing self-portraits. 

"Hydrofracking" - political message poster. As an
Environmental Studies major, this was the first thing that
 came to mind. I had recently seen a documentary about it. 

I don't even recall what this project was about. 

Pixel self-portrait. If you want to see it more clearly,
walk 10 feet away from the computer screen. 

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